Bagels are a dense type of bread shaped like a doughnut that lends itself to different flavours and fillings. Today we’re making them with seeds but they could also be plain, with just one type of seeds, with spices in the dough, dried fruits or even nuts.
A great companion to bagels is cream cheese. It’s a dense bread so it’s easy to spread it without breaking the crumb. The classic New York filling has cream cheese, salmon, capers and fine slices of red onion.
I don’t think that making bagels is complicated, it’s like any other bread with the addition that they’re boiled in water before going into the oven, just like we did with the mini pretzels.
The bagel version I love is the one with cinnamon and raisins. To achieve this you add 4 tbsp of cinnamon to the dough and 100g of raisins that you need to previously hydrate for 10min in boiling water.
A really nice trick to reheat bagels (because they suck on the next day of baking) is to dunk them in water (or make them wet under pouring water) and then take to the oven or small electric oven until golden again. It brings them back to life.
Another thing that is really good is to eat them toasted. You split them in half and pop them in the toaster and they turn out SO GOOD. You can fill them with many things: marmalade, avocado, ham, cheese, lettuce, etc.
Bagels con semillas
For the dough
- 1 tsp dry instant yeast or 2 tsp dry yeast or 4 tsp fresh yeast*
- 600 g all purpose flour
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp salt
- 340 ml lukewarm water
- 55 g honey
To boil the dough
- plenty water in a large pot
- 2 tbsp bicarbonate of soda
To paint and put the seeds on top
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp water
- seeds to taste (I added sesame, poppy seeds and pumpkin seeds)
For the dough
Mix the dry ingredients and make a hole in the center. Add the water with the honey and mix using a spoon or spatula. Once it's not helping anymore go in with your hands and finish to incorporate the ingredients.
Once incorporated knead for 10-15min or until the dough feels more elastic and is no longer sticking to your hands.
Put a bit or vegetable oil in a bowl and also cover the dough in a light layer and cover with a kitchen cloth to proof for one hour. It's important that it proofs in a warm place such as inside your oven at 30-40C or just with the light on or somewhere else where you know is nice and warm.
Weigh the dough and divide in 10 equal portions. Keep them under a slightly damp kitchen cloth as we form the bagels.
Stretch out a portion and then fold it around your fingers. Turn it around and roll it against the table where they join so we thin it up and they stay together. For further reference watch the video above. Remember that they're going to proof again wo don't make the whole too small.
Put on a greased baking sheet or silpat. Let proof for 20min covered with a damp cloth.
To boil the dough
Bring the water to a slight boil (only a few bubbles) and add the bicarbonate of soda. The bicarbonate isn't absolutely necessary but it helps to make the crust shinier and more golden.
Add a few at a time and take them out as soon as they come to float. This takes about 30 seconds. Make sure they're not sticking to the bottom of the pan so they can float.
Remove and put back onto the baking tray or silpat.
To paint and put the seeds on top
Beat together the egg and water and paint it on the bagels.
Sprinkle the seeds on top to taste.
Take to a preheated oven at 220C for 20-25min or until really golden.
Let cool and if you want to make the same sandwich that I did you will need cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers and think slices of red onion.
Recipe Notes
*If you're not using instant you first need to mix the yeast with the lukewarm water and honey and let rest for 10min. If no bubbles appear it means that the yeast is dead and you need to use new ones.