Difficulty 1/5
I love this recipe because the acidity from the white wine with the olives, capers and cherry tomatoes does wonders to a piece of perfectly pan-fried salmon. You can even use this with other fish you have at hand and it would still be great. On the side, I did some baked potatoes which are super easy and you can use with other dishes you like.
Portions: 2
For the potatoes:
– 250g small potatoes, skin on
– 3 peeled garlic cloves
– 150ml olive oil
– salt and pepper to taste
For the fish & its sauce
– 30ml olive oil
– 2 pieces of salmon filet 120-150g each
– 8 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
– 20g capers
– 40g green olives, sliced
– 40g black olives, sliced
– 100ml white wine (I used Sauvignon Blanc)
– salt and pepper to taste
To garnish: baby watercress
1. When you buy the salmon, ask the person in charge to remove all the scales from the skin. If it’s packed, make sure it comes without scales. If non of these apply to you and you don’t want to remove the scales yourself, then skinless is the best option.
2. We start with the potatoes as they are the ones that take the longest. Cut them in as many pieces as you want as long as they are all the same size. Because potatoes are naturally different between each other, it doesn’t matter if some you cut in 4 and other in 8; what is important is that they are all the same size so they cook evenly.
3. Crush the garlic cloves with the side of a knife only to open them up a bit. Put them in an oven-safe dish with the potatoes, olive oil, salt and pepper and mix them. This goes into the oven at 200C for about 40min. Every 10min remove them and give them a stir to ensure even cooking. When they’re done, turn off the oven and leave them in there so they don’t go cold as you prepare the salmon.
4. Ponemos un poco de aceite de oliva en una sartén a fuego medio-alto. Empezamos con el lado de la piel hasta que se ponga crocantita. Tenemos que tener cuidado de no sobre-cocinar el salmón porque se seca y es realmente un desperdicio de un pescado tan rico. Así que voltea los filetitos antes que la parte blanca (que es indicador de cocción) avance a la mitad de la altura. Ahora lo doramos por el otro lado y listo; pero nuevamente ten cuidado de no sobre cocinarlo.
5. En la misma sartén y con el mismo aceite con el que cocinamos el salmón, ponemos las alcaparras, tomates y aceitunas para calentarlas. Luego echamos el vino blanco y dejamos que se evapore hasta que quede 1/3 del volumen original, así sabemos que ya no tiene alcohol. Echamos sal y pimienta (con cuidado que las aceitunas y alcaparras ya son saladas) y estamos listos para servir.
6. Cuando sirvas, acuérdate de ese juguito de nuestros ingredientes con el vino blanco que realmente realza el sabor del pescado. Termina con un poco de berros bebé que no solo dan color sino que como son amarguitos, van bien con la acidez de la salsa.
Espero que les haya gustado 🙂 Comenten abajo qué otra receta quisieran ver y mándenme foto de las que hagan que me encanta ver lo que cocinan.