Difficulty 2/5
A couple of weeks ago they taught me in school how to make quiche and we devoured it in one night with my boyfriend. After that, I decided I needed to make one with artichokes because YUM. Also, I was really excited by my new pie mould (which I first used on the last post for my Fudgy Nutella Pie) I think the most difficult part is to do the dough but in all it’s ok. So here’s the recipe I learned with my own little twist :).
Portions: 6 in a 23cm case
For the dough:
– 200g plain flour
– 7g salt
– 100g butter, cold
– 1 egg
– 10ml water
For the filling:
– 1 egg
– 1 egg yolk
– 125ml cream
– 125ml whole milk
– 2g pepper, 7g salt
– 40g gruyere cheese, 40g parmesan cheese (or 80 of your favourite)
– Artichoke heart quarters of 5 artichokes, they should be enough to fill the base
1. Cif the flour into a bowl and add the butter chopped in small pieces. Put your hands into the flour and rub the butter between your fingers, so that the flour gets coated by the butter. Repeat until no pieces of butter remain when you rub the flour, so its nice and yellow. Its very important that the butter is cold at the start so that it doesn’t melt or it’ll ruin the dough.
2. Mix the eggs together with the water and add to the flour and butter.
3. Chop in the eggs into the dough with a dough scraper or spatula. Then add the salt and mix until you have a flaky dough.
4. Put it onto the table dusted with flour and knead two or three times just to incorporate the dough
5. Rest for at least 30min in the fridge wrapped in cling film. Then grab your rolling pin and roll the dough down to 3-4mm. Try to make it into a circle so it will be easier to line the case. If you have any holes, do no re-roll the dough, line the case and we’ll take care of them later.
6. Lift your dough using the rolling pin, rolling it around it loosely, and then let go onto the case. Lift the sides so it becomes loose and push gently down so you line into the corners of the case. also push the sides so it goes into the creases of the case. Cut the excess by rolling the rolling pin on the case edge. If you have any holes like I did, take a bit of dough, make it really thin and use water as glue. Do not leave the holes open or the mix will drain out afterwards. Rest in fridge for 30min so the dough doesn’t shrink while baking.
7. Blind bake in the oven at 180C with baking beans in it so the dough doesn’t inflate. Make sure the corners are covered, press lightly down. Bake for around 20min until the edges are golden in colour.
8. Put back into the oven for another 10-15min or until the whole case is golden in colour
9. Let cool and then line your artichoke hearts nicely. Don’t press against the sides though or they will become mushy
10. Put on the cheese, again careful not to go all the way to the edge
11. Whisk together all the other ingredients in the filling and pour over the artichokes and cheese
12. Put back in the oven at 120. Leave inside until the top is golden and when you insert a toothpick or tip of knife, nothing sticks to it (unless it’s melted cheese, that’s fine and perfect actually!)
VOILA! You’re ready! Let it cool a bit because it will be lava when it comes out. De-mould, serve pretty and enjoy!
Michelle Novak
Oh heavens! Delicious!
It was! Thank you! 🙂
Down-Home Damsel
This looks delicious!! Will be trying. Thanks for sharing!
Down-Home Damsel
You’re welcome!