When we make a potato salad it’s important to consider a few things so the potatoes don’t fall apart or ends up being a heavy and monotonous salad. This potato salad with leeks is truly delicious and quite different from the traditional ones.
Potato salad has always been a staple in my family’s Christmas table. Not so much lately but rather when there were 30 of us in Christmas eve (now we’re like 6 haha). My mom’s sister used to make it every single year.
I love the leeks that are in this salad, they’re soft and golden, adding a nicer taste than raw onion that’s usually added. Also the capers break the monotony and density from the mayonnaise, giving it a lovely acidic touch.
I like to go heavy on the pepper for my potato salad and in this case I also used fresh oregano. It could’ve also been dried oregano although you loos a bit of the freshness.
Potato salad with leeks
For the potatoes
- 1 kg potatoes
For the leeks
- 2 leeks
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
For the sauce
- 200 g mayonnaise it can be low fat
- 100 ml olive oil
- 1/4 tsp paprika
- 1 lime juice only
- Leaves of fresh oregano
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 100 g capers
For the potatoes
Peel and cut the potatoes. Don’t cut them too small.
Fill a large pot with plenty of water and a tablespoon of water. Drop the potatoes in and they go over medium heat.
Once it starts to boil adjust the heat so that you only see a few bubbles coming up. If the water is too hot the potatoes will start to mash on the outside before cooking all the way through.
Una vez que estén al dente (de nuevo, no queremos puré de papa), las escurrimos en un colador sobre un bowl para que se sequen bien.
Para los poros
La parte verde oscura que tiene el poro en la parte superior no se come así que la cortamos.
Corta el poro a la mitad a lo largo y lávalo debajo del chorro de agua, moviendo las capitas para poder limpiarlas.
Corta el poro en tiritas, descartando la base.
Cocina el poro a temperatura media con aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta hasta que se ponga suave y luego se dore.
Deja que se enfríen por completo.
Para la salsa
Mezcla la mayonesa, aceite de oliva, paprika, sal, pimienta, jugo de limón y hojitas de orégano.
Agrega las papas, poros y alcaparras y mezcla.
Great, I’m not the only one that gets freakish cravings for potato salad in the heart of winter! I like the dressing for this, nice touch.
Potato salad should be a staple all year round! 🙂